Board Options

Board Options gives you the opportunity to customize the Dispatch Boards to fit your preference.

You have the option to:

  1. Select Board Type of Daily, Multi Day, or Summary
  2. Select Start Date on the Board
  3. Select Date on Open. Options are Today, Tomorrow, or This Monday

Tech Filters include:

Tech Type

Check “Show Inactive Techs” if you want to show techs that are inactive

Tech Sort includes:

Sort By
Then By
Then By
Sort Appts By

Service Call Filters include:

Location Territory
Call Type

All of which include the option to sort by:

Name (which can show as Last Name, First Name or First Name Last Name)
Tech Type
Truck Number
Hire Date
Sort Appts By: Scheduled Time or Scheduled Code

Daily, Multiday, Summary Options

The right side of the Board Options pertain individually to each Board.
(These options are the same for All Dispatch Boards Types!)

Data WidthChanges the width of the boxes that contain Site Visits
Name WidthChanges the width of the column that contains Technician’s Name
Auto-Fit ColumnsCorrectly proportions the columns
Gray Sunday/SaturdayCheck these to gray Saturday and Sunday
Exclude Competed Appointment Status on Daily BoardAppointment status colors for Confirmed and Competed can be manipulated.
Click on the text to edit the background and font colors.

These options are different between the Dispatch Boards Types:


Tech Info Width Changes the width of the column next to the technician’s name
Status Width Changes the width of the technician’s status column
Max Hours The number of maximum working hours in the day
Number Days N/A
Custom Sat Width N/A
Custom Sun Width N/A


Tech Info Width– N/A
Status Width– N/A
Max Hours– Same number set in the Daily column
Number Days– Number of days that are shown on the Dispatch Board
Custom Sat Width– Changes the width of the column (check the box to change width)
Custom Sun Width– Changes the width of the column (check the box to change width)


Data Width– Changes the width of the Totals column
Name Width– Same number set in the daily column
Tech Info Width– Same number set in the daily column
Status Width– N/A
Max Hours– N/A
Number Days– N/A
Custom Sat Width– Changes the width of the column (check the box to change width)
Custom Sun Width– Changes the width of the column (check to box to change width)

TIP: You must click the Save Options button located in the bottom left corner in order for the changes to stay permanent.

TIP: Checking the “Auto-Fit Columns” and entering numbers in the specific data width fields will show the boxes as being somewhat equal. In order the manipulate the widths of the boxes so that they aren’t proportionate, uncheck “Auto-Fit Columns”.