Filtering by Phone Number

You can filter a grid by any field that exists in that grid. We will use the Customers grid for example. The Customers grid could contain any of the following fields:

 – Customer ID #  – Customer Name  – Main Contact  – Phone  – Address
 – City/State  – Customer Type  – Active  – Industry  – Territory

Let’s say a customer calls in and leaves a message with your receptionist. The message is vague and only lists the caller’s name and phone number. The message does not contain any other pertinent information, such as what company he’s with. You can still find the customer in the database by filtering by Phone number since it is a field listed in the Customers grid.

To filter by Company Phone Number:
1. Click the down arrow from the Filter By field and choose “Phone”
2. Type the customer’s phone number into the Filter Text field and click Enter.

TIP: If you only have part of the search string, you can use a Wildcard (%) in order to search for specific information.