You must state via checkbox that an employee is a salesman on their employee form in order for the salesmen list on the Customer and Location forms to populate the correct salesman.
To Make an Existing Employee a Salesman:
1. Open up the employee’s form by clicking the Employees [All] grid and double-clicking on the employee
2. At the bottom of the form, check the “Is Salesman” box to make them a salesman
3. If you have Employee Types setup with Sales as an option, you may choose to select it from the list. Otherwise, you may skip this step.
TIP: Although you might think that having the employee’s status as “Sales” would automatically populate the salesman list on the Service Calls, this field is not tied in to that list. You should open up the employee’s form and check the box at the bottom that says “Is Salesman” to make this happen.
TIP: If you’re interested in changing what employee types are available, see List Maintenance.