Document Linking allows you to link certain documents directly to Customers, Locations, or Service Calls. The documents should be stored in a location where everyone has access to them, such as on the server that Dispatch is located on. Linking documents can come in handy when you often scan documents or need to keep track of documents associated to a specific Customer.
There are 2 ways to link documents, you can use the Link Documents task or you can link documents directly from the Customer or Location forms.
Link Documents Task in the Dispatch folder:
1. Click on the Dispatch folder
2. Scroll down to Link Documents and click on it.
3. The Link Documents Task form will appear.
4. In the “Link To” list, you should have the option to link to a Customer, Location, Service Call, or Employee. Choose what you’d like to associate the document to.
5. Enter in the ID number in the Item ID field and hit Enter. Look under the “Documents will be linked to” This will show exactly what the document is being linked to.
6. Click the Add button to find the document you want to attach. Remember, all the documents should be in a neutral location where everyone can access them.
7. Find the document and click OK
8. Click OK on the Linked Documents form. A prompt will appear that says “Linked 1 document.”
9. Click OK. The document will disappear but it is still there. Click Close.
To verify that the document is linked:
1. Open the Customer form that you linked the document to
2. Click on the “Locations/Detail” tab and then click on the “Linked Docs” tab.
3. You will see the linked document. To open it, double click on it.