Export Data

In order to run exports, you must have purchased a link into your accounting software. Please contact your salesman to purchase a link.

The expdata.exe application is used to export data from Mobile Resource Manager to text files. The expdata.ini configuration file is used to setup exporting.

To run the export:

1. Click File

2. Click Administration

3. Click Export

4. Select the export you are wanting to run.

5. Follow any prompts that appear.

NOTE: If an export is not required for an installation, place an “x” at the beginning of the parameter name and that particular export will be disabled.

Settings for expdata.ini are as follows:

The following parameter sets the text file that is used for exporting Customers. CustExportFile=g:dispatchexportarcust.txt
The following parameter sets the text file that is used for exporting Service Calls SCExportFile=g:dispatchexportjcjobs.txt
The following parameter sets the text file that is used for exporting Service Contracts PmtExportFile=g:dispatchexportcontract.txt
The following parameter sets the text file that is used for exporting Closed Planned Service Calls ClosedExportFile=g:dispatchexportcontliab.txt
The following parameter sets the text file that is used for exporting Billable Calls BillableCallsFile=g:dispatchexportardetl.txt
The following parameter sets the text file that is used for exporting Invoices InvoiceFile=g:dispatchexportartran.txt
The following parameter sets the ODBC datasource name that will be used by the Export program to connect to the database. ODBC DSN=dispatchdirect
The following parameter lets the export program know whether Dispatch Direct uses User Defined Service Call Numbers. UserDefCallNo=N
This parameter determines what GL Account is used during Invoice exports. InvoiceAccount=4000

Please feel free to contact Support if you have any questions.