Sorting by Column Heading

Sorting is the act of arranging according to class, kind, or size. Any grid can be sorted or classified by the fields that exist in the grid.

For example, if you click on the Customers [All] grid, you can sort the grid by fields such as “Customer ID”, “Customer Name”, “Address”, or “Phone” in ascending or descending order.

To sort a grid by column heading, click on a grid, then click on the column heading your want to sort by. You can sort the grid by any field that exists in the grid.

For example, the Customers [All] grid could contain the following fields:

Customer ID # Customer Name Main Contact Phone Address
City/State Customer Type Active Industry Territory


If you want to sort the Customers grid to show city names in alphabetical (ascending) order, follow the steps below:

1. Click on the Customers grid in the cabinet.

Customers Data Grid link

2. Find the “City” field and single click on the “City column heading” which looks like part of the toolbar. The grid is now sorted alphabetically by city name.

City - unsorted
City - alphabetized

TIP: Sorting can help show fields missing critical information by listing empty fields first in the sort order.