The Customer-Location Relation

There are differences between Customers and Locations; the Customer is where you bill to and the Location is where you perform work. Some customers have multiple locations associated to them.
A new customer is automatically assigned a New Location, once it is saved. The New Location gets the same information, such as the address, as the customer. Locations are stored on the “New Location/Detail” tab on the Customer form. You may edit this information at any time.

MRM allows the customer to have multiple locations in case the customer owns multiple properties or does work at different locations other than their billing address. This feature comes in handy with clients such as property owners.
Also note that MRM automatically assigns a unique Location ID Number to each location that is entered. You can change this number to better follow your business procedures if you wish.

The following sub chapters explain the four types of relations between Customers and Locations.

TIP: To save time and money, Customers and Locations, along with other items, can be imported if you provide MRM Support with a .csv formatted file. Please contact Support to find out what information can be imported and exported from MRM.