Using Wildcards (%)

Wildcards may be present in your search strings. A wildcard is a special character used in a search that can match any character or string of characters. In Mobile Resource Manager, the wildcard is the percent sign (%).

The wildcard can be used at the beginning or end of search strings to match various patterns of letters. An example when you might use the wildcard at the beginning of a search string would be if you were searching for a main contact with the last name of Ackermann and you did not know its correct spelling. After selecting Main Contact from the Filter By field, entering ‘%ack’ will pull back all Main Contacts with ‘ack’ in their name. Remember, you could possibly get more than one result, such as Ackerman and Jackson.

You can also use the wildcard at the end of a search string. An example would be if you were searching for a main contact and remembered their first name but not their last. After selecting Main Contact from the Filter By field, you could enter ‘Mike%’ in the Filter Text field to pull back every Main Contact that started with ‘Mike’. Note this will not pull back ‘Michael’ because aliases and nicknames aren’t interchangeable.

The wildcards can also be placed at the beginning and at the end of a search string. Let’s imagine that your receptionist took a message to call a client back at 630-566-8400.  When you call this number back, it’s the wrong number. In order to search the MRM database, an option would be to type in ‘%566%’ in the Filter Text field. This will pull back any numbers that have ‘566’ in them. Make sure the Filter By field shows Phone or it will not pull back the correct information.